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Baseball Coaching DVD's - Major League Hitting Coach Dave Hudgens has been involved in baseball for over 30 years. He has created this comprehensive program that will help you go from the backyard to the big leagues. Whether you are looking to improve your chances for a college scholarship or just to have more hits and fun when you're at the plate, the information and drills in this DVD will improve your understanding of what it takes to become a better hitter in today's game! These concepts and drills are used by Little Leaguers and Major League MVPs, making it the only series available that is recommended for every skill level. 85 min. DVD.
Baseball Instruction DVD - In this program, you'll learn how to maximize your power potential and how to master the curveball. Power Surge: This DVD breaks down the fundamentals of power hitting. From core power exercises to detailed mechanical analysis, this program teaches you specific drills for immediate improvements in your power game. Whether your dream is to be a line drive - high average hitter or a home run hitter, this is the training series you've been waiting for! Conquering the Curveball: Learning how to successfully hit the curveball is one of the most difficult tasks to master in all of sports. Also, in the DVD, Major League hitting coach Dave Hudgens teaches you the same techniques the pros use. This DVD is the ultimate "How to" baseball instructional program! Dave will teach you a proven game plan that will help you react to the curveball and increase your production at every level. 94 min. DVD.
Baseball Training Videos - In this program, you will learn the #1 thing you need to be a successful hitter - Advanced techniques in shortening your swing. This is the program you can't live without if you have ever trained with an aluminum bat. This DVD is filled with drills and techniques broken down into easy-to-follow segments. The Overload Training section teaches you the drills necessary to produce a quicker, more powerful swing. Included in this section are Dave Hudgens' proven drills and techniques, that when practiced, will result in increased bat speed. Here you will learn: The Front Toss Drills, The Quick Hands Side Toss Drill, The Wrist Side Toss Drill, The Two Handed Strength Drill, The Wrist Tubing Drill, The Overhand, Short Toss Drill, The One Handed Front Toss Drill, The Rapid Fire Side Toss Drill, The Slow One Handed Drill, The Explosive Two Handed Drill, The Medicine Ball Drills, The Figure Eight Drill. 64min. DVD.
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